Health and Anti drugs

Aims and Objectives of Health related projects

• To promote the principles and practice of quality improvement and risk management in healthcare
• To provider a national voice on quality improvement and risk management initiatives in healthcare
• To facilitate opportunities for communication, cooperation, and exchange of ideas and experiences in healthcare quality
• To facilitate training and continuing education in healthcare quality
• To establish and maintain a support network for those actively involved in healthcare quality
improvement and risk management
• To organize seminars, workshops, lectures, publish journals, newsletters and other periodicals,
as its contribution towards educating healthcare practitioners and the general public on the
practice of quality healthcare
• Organize free medical camps, blood donation camps within the country
Aims and Objectives of Anti-drugs related projects
The main objective of this project is to demystify the use of drugs, on an experimental basis, in the selected communities in order to change the social perception of drug use to a dull, unexciting, and unpleasant activity. Before carrying out any interventions, baseline surveys are carried out. After the survey, various drug prevention activities are implemented in these communities based on four broad themes :
• Change of social image and value by reversing positive perceptions of alcohol and other drug use.
• Demystification of alleged alcohol and other drug effects and devaluing socially unacceptable behaviour, including drunken behaviour, especially against women.
• Drug prevention as an essential component of health and development.
• Drug prevention as an aspect of general education, enrichment of people’s lives and

Among the activities carried out are awareness programs for the youth, parents in villages, home visits in villages, slum areas, screening of videos, distribution of leaflets, displays of posters and training programmes. Students, youth, children, women and users have been targeted and mobilized into action. An evaluation survey will be conducted after 10 months of intervention.